I'm annoyed. This family. This situation. This life in general. What is this bullshit I talk of? Jamaica. I'm up in this f'n country and I knew this minute I touched down on the plane I would hate this place. There isn't shit to do. Ever.
Everyone has their car, their own life. What do I have? This laptop. Fun. Fun times indeed. So what positioned am I placed in? In the same damn place I've been in for God knows how many years. When I say I'm moving the hell away from my family in the immediate future I tell no lies.
Where did this sudden rant come from? Today. This whole day has been shit. From my cousin's friend saying I have no "phone manners" (oh yeah bitch? get some parental skills to deal with your hell spawn kid) to burning my fucking fingers on a hot plate. Getting yelled at while joking with my cousin. Man this place is retarded as fuck and I'm just tired of it. I get bit by mosquitoes and nothing including the shit they buy for me works. The only thing that would work I can't buy because my cousin doesn't like a mosquito net (wow holy fuck, you're worried about a little more heat and I'm worried about malaria...I wonder who has more important concerns). It's been overall a fucked day and I just wanted to blog about it. I plan to update a playlist on my MP3 player so I don't have to deal with these jackasses during crunch time for my other cousin's wedding.
Uh what's that? Can't hear you, listening to music...video...whatever the fuck is NOT you. Little children will be like "let me listen to your MP3" and I will be like "go to hell". Then inform them I can buy their house five times over with ease. Cruel? Yes. But the people in this country are cruel. Think about the most ignorant, rude, horrendous versions of black people like ghetto people times two and stuff all those people on one island. It's Jamaica. Fuck this country. Fuck it right in it's ass with no lube. I can't wait until I get my own room. I will get a job, hustle hard as fuck, beg, do whatever it takes to make my life comfortable and American-like. All I need is this laptop and an entertainment system with a video game console. You will never see this fucker walking the streets of Kingston AGAIN! They will be like
"Oh D, why don't you come out some place with us?"
and I'll be like, "NO."
Fuck these people. They think I'm bad when I talk? Wait until you can't get a fucking word out of me. Wait until you see me in my coldest rawest form. There is a reason why people prefer to call me Glacier than Daemon. They'll see why when I give them the cold shoulder and ignore them.
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